Interior Painting



Preparatory work is very important to achieve good results. There is no substitute for good preparation, it is time consuming work but pays dividends in a clean, professional job. Our goal when I B S P steps are taken is to make surface sound, clean, and a smooth foundation for the new finish.

Preparing Quarters

When living quarters are occupied, curtain, pictures, and any other easily removable fixtures or fittings that are not going to be painted along with the room will be taken down. Furniture will be grouped in the middle of the room, well away from the wall. Furniture and floor will be covered first with plastic sheeting, and then with drop cloths.

Surface preparation

All loose material and surfaces to be painted will be dusted paying special attention to cracks and crevices. Walls and floors will also be vacuumed so the dust is not tracked back up the walls or into other rooms. Dirt and grime will be washed with solution of warm water either with sugar soap or T S P and rinse thoroughly using clean warm water and a sponge.


Plaster surfaces to be painted will be made good. (making good are those defect areas over 4 inches in diameter) Two coats of plaster will be applied. One coat of plaster as an under coat and a skim coat to achieve a smooth, finish surface. Plaster will be sanded in between coats. Defects under 4 inches in diameter will be spackled and given a fine finish coat of plaster to obtain a smooth finish surface. Defects on wood surfaces (trim) will be stopped with wood putty. Special attention will be given to nail holes cracks and gaps.


After surface is sound, clean and smooth primer and or sealer will be applied to ensure proper paint bonding. Once surface has cured two coats of latex paint will be applied. When going over gloss paint it will need to be wet rubbed at the rinsing stage, either with waterproof abrasive paper, pumice stone or steel wool to “tooth” the surface for the new paint.


A Thorough clean up of work area will be completed at the end of the job